Tuesday, June 05, 2012

[News and Notes] Fifty Shades of Grey

This portion of a Goodreads.com infographic shows the number of readers of the erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey per state. The darker states have the highest number of readers. Click here to find out which readers in which states liked the book the most.

From Goodreads.com
Since it's release "More than 10 million copies of the books have been sold in the United States in six weeks," according to ArtsBeat. (Full article)

This novel hasn't been without its controversies. One Florida library (Brevard County), which previously banned the novel, has decided to return copies to shelves citing the library's "stand against censorship." Read the Brevard County Library's press release.

Fifty Shades began as fan fiction* inspired by Stephenie Meyer's Twilight saga. View the MTV interview during which Meyer gives her reaction to the success of E.L. James' erotic trilogy. 

Piggybacking on the Shades of Grey buzz, the Huffington Post profiled 10 Scancalous Authors from History

(*Fan fiction: stories involving popular fictional characters that are written by fans and often posted on the Internet —called also fan fic,) --from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary www.m-w.com


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