Monday, October 04, 2010

[Book Review] DEAR CUPID by Julie Ortolon


Laura Salehi reviews DEAR CUPID by Julie Ortolon (St. Martin’s Press, 2001)

Kate Bradshaw used to enjoy writing answers for her “Dear Cupid” romance advice column for an online magazine, but now that she’s divorced with a son to raise and bills to pay it’s not that easy (or fun) anymore. After her boss threatened to fire her if her column didn’t once again give the optimistic, helpful advice her readers were seeking, Kate decided to try flirting with men again, only to remember how fun romance could be so she could keep her job.

She chose her first target, Mike Cameron, at the airport on her way back from the meeting with her boss. Afterward, she felt silly and awkward, but relieved that he didn’t know her name and would never see her again. However, it turns out they live in the same town and he managed to track her down and hired her at her second job with the task of helping him find a wife. Kate reluctantly took the job since she needed the money; little did she know that Mike already had someone very specific in mind…

Mike was my favorite character in this book because nothing seemed to faze him and he routinely did thoughtful things for people he cared about. One of the many considerate things he did was to help repair the marriage of Julie’s closest friend.

You will probably enjoy this book if you like a story that is funny at times, but serves as a lighthearted reminder to appreciate, and not take for granted, the relationships we have with the people we care about, including friends, spouses, children, and parents.

Laura Salehi, Bartlett Library

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Very sweet review, Laura! I am going to remember how fun it is to flirt when I get home tonight!
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